Sunday, July 27, 2008

Busy, busy days....

Where to start....


She had her 6 month appointment last week. Her stats are:
Weight - 16 lbs and 5 oz..right at the 50%
Length - 25.5 inches...40%
Head - 44 cm...80% (Yes, just like Papa!)

Jackson's Birthday

Jackson had a blast at his bowling party. Stuart kept the boys on task bowling -- and he did a great job, I may add.

Do you like the Jackson's Bowling shirt? Daddy go that for him. Makes him look like pro!

On Jackson's actual birthday we celebrated with Grandma and Papa W and Auntie Amy at Tokyo. It was Jackson's pick and this is his favorite place to dine. He loves the shrimp! Overall, he is loving being six and has enough legos, transformers and star wars toys to keep him busy until he turns 7 (maybe!)


Hailey is doing great in theatre class. She loves having date morning with Daddy twice a week. Here is a photo of Hailey this week. She is making a toy for Jenna. You take a small water bottle and fill it with beads and water. Hailey went through her bead bag and carefully selected beads for Jenna's special bottle. We super glued it closed and wha-la, Jenna's is in her glory! We had one of these with the other kids when they were little and it was a favorite toy! Hailey is such and awesome sister and Jenna just loves playing with her! It is very nice to see.

And last but not least, news for the Guestbook Store. We moved! Yes, we moved. Our space was getting a little (well, a lot) cramped. We were getting by, but knew we had to do something. We are in the same building, but moved into two other units. We have twice the space and twice the mess right now! The Guestbook Store just celebrated 6 years in business as well. WHOO HOOO!!!!

Also, we had our 1st annual street party here...Christine does a great job of telling all about it here.

Have a great week!

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