Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another day...

Sooo much better than yesterday! (already and it is only 10am)

Jenna did excellent last night. Here was night 2 of no food...
Down just before 7pm
Woke around 10pm, fussed for a few min and went right back to sleep
Woke around 11pm, and cried/fussed for about 30 min.
Woke around 3am and fussed for just a min or two.
Woke around 6am and was given a bottle by Daddy.
Up for the day around 7am.

This might sound like a lot of wakings, but to me is wonderful progress.

Stats for Jenna's 9 month appointment.
19.1 lbs - right at 50%
Don't recall how tall but it is in the 60%. This means she had a growth spurt. Yah!!!
Head -- still in the 80%

Having such a crappy day yesterday did make me see how wonderful the kids truly are. Of course they push my every button on a regular basis, but when the days are rough they know how to behave and they do. I was so grateful yesterday that they were so well behaved, that Hailey was such a trooper with thumb and shot, and that Erberts and Gerberts delivers!

And now I am grateful that Daddy is back home :)

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