Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 7

We spent day 7 touring the upper loop of Yellowstone. We had a slow start to the morning, so arrived at the park around 11am. So far driving through the park has been good, but long. I did not realize it would take so long to get from one place to another. A lot of car time for the kids.

Mammoth Springs was one of the highlights of the day.

I enjoy the wildlife. We have checked most items off our list the Park Rangers gave to the kids. Here is a bear that crossed in front of our car. (Yes, we rented a car for the day)
And one of the many, many bison. This fella was about 2 feet from our car. Wow, they are huge.

After one of our walks, I found Jackson daydreaming. I would like to think that is pondering all the nature of Yellowstone, but know that he is thinking about his friends back home and his Legos!

We headed back to West Yellowstone for the night. The kiddos had sometime to run and play since it was a full day in the car. I did 4 loads of laundry -- vacation is not all roses! And neither was the smell of those clothes :)

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