Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I have missed blogging. And crafting. And creating. Summer has come and gone and maybe, just maybe I can find some time again. Time in my sewing room has been very little and that simply needs to change! I have piles of projects begging to be completed. Begging. So should I work on them or start new????

Halloween has passed but not without a few projects. There is so much one can make for this season.

My Mom, sister and I also spent a day cooking and crafting. We made many fun and yummy snacks.

We also made these Witches Shoes for teachers and co-workers.

Jenna as Olivia. If you are not sure who Olivia is.....

And here is my Olivia. I actually did not get very good photos of the dress. I might just need to put her in the costume again for a photo shoot.

Fun Holiday now onto the next!!!!


  1. Love the Olivia costume! What a darling!

  2. Hi Ann,

    Thanks for popping over and saying "Hi ". The Olivia costume is just so sweet as is the darling wearing it.

    I'm in the "I must finish my WIPs before years end or some terrible fate will befall me " mode. I'm heartily fed up with everything I need to finish but I'll push on feeling somewhat mollified that come January 1st I can cut 4 new quilts and work on them simultaneously to create more WIP's. It works for me...
